Please note

Animal communication and energy healing will not change the personality of your horse or pet. A horse that is assertive will always be so, one that is sensitive will remain sensitive, one that is by nature fearful will stay that way, one that is courageous will continue to exhibit courage. The energy work will allow the real personality to shine through in its pure form, having released layers of old patterns of fear, trauma, aggression, dissociation, abuse, neglect, usery, and so on. Once these patterns are cleared, proper training and handling methods can have faster and more effective results. You will most likely find that input from the horse himself through experienced animal communication will offer excellent guidance and confirmation in your conscious animal stewardship.

Energy work will also not change that horses are prey animals and are on alert for their safety and well-being. It cannot create a “bombproof” horse. You may find, as old pathological patterns are cleared from your horse, and his or her true spirit returns, that your horse may have increased awareness, but that does not mean “spookiness.”

The energy work, although it will also invite and support changes in the muscles, connective tissue, and boney structure, is not a substitute for any necessary chiropractic work, health or veterinary care, or deep tissue massage.